1440x1440px, 04:00s, 30fps, seamless loops. Audio/Visual. Created with Python, Blender, Ableton Live and After Effects.
Available on hic et nunc
Editions of 15.
1080x1080px, Animated gif, 300 frames, seamless loop. Created with Python in Blender.
Available on objkt
for #100hen
3508 x 3508px, Generative. Cel_0, 2021.
Written in Javascript using P5.js.
WISHES explores the conceptual connection and differences between dualistic worldviews and the human ambiguity in the face of deterministic models of complexity.
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2. Burn it. // view your "WISHES TOKEN", go to the "Actions" tab and choose "Burn".
3. Send me your wish and the burn transaction hash using this form.
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WISHES Collection on objkt.com
The generative algorithm takes the eponymous wish - the ancient human notion of sincere supernatural thinking - and generates a seed from it as part of the artwork´s input. Visually appropiating the raw output of Elementary Cellular Automata, one of the simplest computational models that exhibits complex behaviour, and revoking childhood memories of filling up checker-paper during school´s math-lessons, WISHES balances on the fine line between naïveté and modern speculative theories of mind and reality.
4096x4096px, Generative / digital. Created with Python in Blender.
Available on hic et nunc
Editions of 5.
2880x2880px, Generative / digital. Layers created with Python, compositing and post in Photoshop.
Available on hic et nunc
Editions of 5.